Catalogue Baby Part 2

Our first update episode! Sarah checks in on Myriam Steinberg, a writer based in Vancouver, BC. Myriam's in her forties and she's been trying to have a baby on her own for the last five years. She’s documenting her experience in a graphic novel called Catalogue Baby. Myriam reveals some surprising news!

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EpisodesSarah DobsonvhmComment

In small-town Connecticut in the late 1970s, Carol Egan got pregnant—quite unexpectedly—at 18. In this episode Carol describes her experience being sent away to a home for unwed mothers to give birth, being forced to give up her child and fighting to get him back, and raising her son as a young single mother.

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Little Corners

Tammy Cannon lives in Snohomish, WA with her husband and three teens. She stayed at home with her kids when they were young. I talked to Tammy about the expectations she had for herself during that time.

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Catalogue Baby

Myriam Steinberg is a writer based in Vancouver, BC. Myriam's in her forties and she's been trying to have a baby on her own for the last five years. She’s documenting her experience in a graphic novel called Catalogue Baby. Sarah talks to Myriam about the decision to conceive a child as a single woman in her forties, and what it's been like for her.

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