Choosing the life you already have

Kerry Graham

More about Kerry:

Kerry Graham lives, teaches, writes, and runs in Baltimore, MD. If you want to learn more about Kerry, you can follow her on Instagram.

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Earlier this year Kerry Graham published an article on HuffPost called: No, I Don’t Want To Have Kids And I’m Tired Of Having To Explain Why Not.

Kerry reached out to me not long after she published the article, because she had a lot more to say about deciding not to have kids. 

We talked about how Kerry handled ambivalence about being childfree, and how she decided that she didn’t want to have kids. We also talked about her two big passions, teaching and writing, and how those passions led her to choose the life she already had. 

I hope you enjoy our conversation.

Discussed in episode 40 with Kerry Graham:

  • Kerry’s love for Baltimore and using her career as a teacher to help find her purpose and what’s important to her in her life.

  • Kerry’s activism approach to teaching.

  • How Kerry’s childhood cultivated her heart for teaching and non-profit work.

  • How Kerry’s sense of family impacted her future from a young age.

  • Kerry’s journey of being an author and comparing that desire to the desire to be a mom.

  • Why deciding to be childfree shouldn’t need to be explained or quantified.

  • How Kerry decided that she indeed wanted to be childfree.

  • Kerry feeling like she has to make up for lost time during years of ambivalence.

  • Why being childfree by choice doesn’t mean you hate kids, but if you don’t like kids that’s okay, too.

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