Getting unstuck

Bianetth Valdez

More about Bianetth:

Bianetth is a Latina chingona, born and bred in Texas, living in the Pacific NW, devoted to youth work, dismantling white supremacy, and living a full life. 

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Bianetth Valdez was born and raised in Texas, straddling two cultures. As a Latina, she grew up believing that being a mother was what was expected of her, and she didn’t give it a second thought. But when she turned 25 she started to encounter women who were living fulfilling lives without kids, and she started questioning what she wanted for herself.

Bianetth reached out to me to share what it was like for her to grapple with the decision to have kids as a bicultural woman, and how claiming an identity in two different cultures can add an extra layer of pressure.

I think you’ll like this one.

Discussed in episode 41 with Bianetth Valdez:

  • Bianetth’s bi-cultural perspective on being childfree by choice

  • Believing up until your mid 20s that you will be a mom, then switching to ambivalence

  • The importance of a childfree role model

  • Being fearful of the biological clock

  • Facing the hard questions of being childfree like your legacy, finances, eldercare, and more

  • How having an older spouse has influenced Bianetth’s motherhood decision

  • Expectations for men vs. women in Latina culture when it comes to parenthood

  • Learning to not want to change the past

  • The financial strain of having a child

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